
Harvey Milk

Shell is an experienced trainer who can offer a range of creative workshops for schools based on the OUT140 project. She can also offer educational bulk discounts on the book. Email Shell for more details.

Nick O’Brien, teacher and LGBT activist, has created a Powerpoint teaching resource based around OUT140 that you can use in the classroom. Called “What is your own coming out story?”, it can be adapted to be used with most students. It focuses on what it means to “come out” and encourages people who are not necessarily LGBT to show empathy with the decisions and feelings that LGBT people have. It can be launched in English or PSHE sessions or can be slotted into a collective worship/ form time slot.

It includes our hero Harvey Milk and his fabulous quote about Coming Out:

“Brothers and sisters you must come out! Come out to your parents; come out to your friends… Come out to your neighbours, come out to your fellow workers! Once and for all let’s break down the myths and destroy the lies and distortions.”

You can download the “What is your coming out story?” Powerpoint from the Teach with Pride page on the Norwich Pride website here.