
Our dream was to bring together all the different aspects of OUT140 – the stories, the films, the songs, the art – to produce a stage play …. and on Tuesday 24th July, that dream came true and we had the World Premiere of OUT140: The Play at Norwich Theatre Royal’s Stage Two.  It was a sell-out and we had rave reviews.

here’s how it happened …. following Shell’s talk about OUT140 at the Know Your Pride event at the Norfolk and Norwich Festival in 2016, local actor Eve Pandolfi contacted her to say she’d like to help her create the play. Eve is a member of The Common Lot and she approached her colleagues to help. Duncan Joseph got involved and also brought in local playwright James McDermott. The Norfolk and Norwich Festival  invited us to do a scratch performance of the show in May; we did another short performance at Norwich Pride in July and had a fabulous time at Norwich Theatre Royal’s Stage Two in September.  We were invited back to Stage Two for our World Premiere as part of the Theatre Royal’s Creative Pride Season as part of the 10th Norwich Pride celebrations. Musical Director Charlie Caine joined the  team as well as actor/director Jen Alexander.

Thanks to Norwich Pride, Norwich Theatre Royal and Norfolk County Council for your support.