Category Archives: News

First Rehearsal

We had a fabulous first rehearsal today working on our micro-monologues and a sequence of stories starting from 1945. Jen warmed us up with some lovely activities based around rainbow flags.  Sue led the singing and today’s song was:

My daughter told her granny and her response was ‘oh! I used to have crushes on girls at school’


Auditions Workshop

We had the most wonderful auditions workshop. There were 16 of us there and people each brought two OUT140 stories that meant something to them. Jen did some fabulous warm-up exercises to get people moving and getting to know one another and then each person presented their stories whilst the rest of us applauded wildly. In the break we devoured Stevie’s gorgeous OUT140 Cake and then Eve led us in  some small group improvisations to see how we could develop the stories in teams. We ended with a singing session with Charlie who taught us the micro-song “Grandma Asked Mum”.



Poster for Auditions

We have set a date for our auditions – Tuesday 5th June, 7-9pm at Theatre Royal’s Stage Two. We want a really diverse cast so please apply – whatever your age, ability, sexuality, gender identity. OUT140 is from the community for the community and we want that to be reflected on stage.

OUT140 at Stage Two

We had the best time performing a scratch performance of the play inside, on stage with fabulous sound and lighting at the Theatre Royal’s Stage Two. It was so good to be close to the audience and know they could her everything! We got this sweet tweet from Fizz:

Ruski was there to take more fabulous photos. You can see the full set by clicking here.

Creative Matters

We are going to do another scratch performance of the OUT140 Play at the Theatre Royal’s Stage Two On Friday 8th September 2017 as part of their Creative Matters  Gender and Sexual Identity Season, celebrating 50 years since the partial decriminalisation of homosexuality.

OUT140 at the Norfolk and Norwich Festival

We had such a wonderful time doing our scratch performance at the Norfolk and Norwich Festival and the audience were fab – laughing, sighing, applauding and telling us their stories. Andrew Day did some filming for us which you can see here:

We had some fabulous feedback:

“That was really powerful stuff and the music was great.  I hope the production goes on to do even greater things! Such amazing people you have around you.”

“Excellent play #OUT140 Congrats @shellytellyuk & co – a triumph – you held that crowd.”

“I loved the whole thing – can imagine it being performed at Edinburgh – I think the snappy stories would keep people engaged for a longer performance and the music interspersed it really well.”

“It was amazing! Such a fantastic thing to do and the atmosphere was wonderful.”

“It was a really great show. It came off the page well….Can’t wait to see it again on Pride weekend.”

Ruski took some brilliant photos. There’s a few below but you can see the full set on Facebook by clicking here

Rehearsal Schedule for NNF

Here’s the plan for how we’re going to create the scratch performance of the play at the Norfolk and Norwich Festival:

Wednesday 3rd May, 7-9pm
Dandifest, St Margaret’s Church of Art, St Benedicts St, Norwich

Monday 8th May, 7.30-10pm
The Drama Room, Sewell Park Academy, St Clement’s Hill, Norwich NR3 4BX

Saturday 13th May, 11am
The Forum

Saturday 13th May at 2pm
Norfolk and Norwich Festival: Museum of the Moon, The Forum

Email if you’d like to get involved.