Coming Out Workshops

Dr BJ Epstein from the UEA School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing used OUT140 as part of her Coming Out workshops for students and staff. She writes:

“Thank you so much for the coming-out books. We had our coming-out workshop yesterday and it was great to have the books to give people. We gave them to everyone first, and that worked so well because people could sit and read them while they were waiting to start if they didn’t feel confident having a chat with anyone. The workshop was such a success, and I was really happy that people said they felt it was useful and meaningful. Many were so grateful to have a chance to meet other LGBTQ people and to get to talk about issues regarding coming-out.”


Coming Out in Northampton

Following the success of Shell’s OUT140 workshop at booQfest, she will be back in Northampton for International Coming Out Day on 12th October 2014. Northampton Borough Council’s LGBTQ Forum and FAN Social Events Group are organising an event at Northampton Museum and Art Gallery. Opening at 1pm with a speech from Michael Ellis MP the day runs until 6.30pm, with a free buffet and drinks networking session from 4.30pm hosted by Barclaycard’s Spectrum LGBT Group. Organiser Matthew Toresen says

” One of the highlights of the day will be the involvement of the OUT 140 project from Norwich. OUT 140 ran a fascinating workshop at the booQfest literary festival recently and I’m delighted that they agreed to come back and be a part of Northampton’s first celebration of International Coming Out Day. There couldn’t be a more perfect project to be part of the day”.

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OUT140 @ booQfest

Shell will be taking OUT140 to booQfest, Northampton’s festival with a literary bent on 13th, 14th and 15th September 2014. Daniel Burrows, Chair of booQfest says:

“booQfest is about exploring the different ways that people are contributing to Queer dialogue, and OUT140 is an excellent contemporary example of this broadening context. By presenting short ‘coming out’ stories of 140 characters or less (the same as a Tweet) OUT140 helps booQfest open itself up to a whole new audience that enjoys easy and immediate access to media and literature.”
