
Scott ‘Scooby’ Atkins’ dance company Passion Productions used OUT140 as the inspiration for a dance routine which they performed at the Norwich Playhouse in March 2015. It was called Family Portrait and the movement on stage was accompanied with extracts from the book projected onto the backdrop. You can watch the performance here:

“After coming across the OUT140 booklet, I was inspired to choreograph a piece based around the concept of the coming out stories within it. The idea of a traditional annual “family photo” came to mind, with the story line that as the female lead came out to more and more of her family, they stopped supporting her and attending the family event. This would be accompanied by vocals onstage and visual excerpts from the book. This was an important piece for me to do with my company, as I shared with them my own OUT140 story. This is still one of our most emotional pieces and I was very proud of the sensitivity all of the performers approached this with.”

Here are some photos of the performance by Benjamin Mathers.

And some shots of Scooby and the young dancers in rehearsal….